What is Friends of Village Primary School?
-Friends of Village Primary School (FVPS) is made up of parents, carers and staff from the school who help to run fun events for the children and raise funds to spend on the school.
-In the past we have helped run the Halloween disco, the Christmas fair, the Easter raffle and the Summer Fair raising thousands of pounds for the school. Funds raised are used to take the children on extra trips, buy equipment and get extra books for the library.
Why get involved?
-You get to know the school and the staff better.
-Have a real voice in what happens at the school.
-Help with something worthwhile that really can change lives.
-Show your children you care about their school and their education.
-Use your skills for something different.
-Meet new friends.
-It's fun!
How can I get involved?
-As a parent of a child at the school you are automatically entitled to come to our meetings.
-There are many ways to help FVPS. You can give as much or little time as you can spare. It's totally flexible! You don't have to be a committee member to help out.
-Come to meetings and give us your ideas for fun events or fund raising ideas.
-Man a stall at an event.
-Make cakes or craft items to sell at events.
-Contact local businesses to ask for help and donations for events.
-Donate prizes for raffles and tombolas.
-Make or plan games for events
-Design or make banners for events
-Use your skills or contacts in any way you can think of to raise funds or give the children fun or educational experiences.
How to Contact us
-If you would like to get in touch, email us at mail@FriendsOfVillage.org.uk. Alternatively, leave your details at reception or on the gate and we'll get in touch with you.